Monthly "Stories of Advocacy" Lazarus Executive Director  Pink Oak Cancer Trust and Dr Obinna Ebirim  SRHR social media influencer Concern Women International Development Initiative (CWIDI) @ the phone in radio programme

In the effort to promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Gwagwalada FCT Nigeria. CWIDI with support from Women Deliver seed grant established a WhatsApp group with a total number of 70 persons as members made up of young people between the age of 10-30yrs. During the month under review a wide range of topics such as vaginal discharge, how to use condom, important of correct and consistence use of condom, STI symptoms, centers with treatment in a low cost, negotiation skills, abortion, relationship, sexual rights and sexual citizenship, Gender base violence. CWIDI develop a hash tag #YouthSexReprodHealth and @AbujaUpdate twitter handle, was agreed to be used for message dissemination of SRHR message on twitter since it has more than a thousand followers and it is Abuja-based which is the project target site. However, @concernwomen1 of CWIDI was tagged in tweets to grow followership. Through WhatsApp platform a total number of 70 persons were reached with information mention above and through twitter estimated reach was 4,838. We also had a radio phone in programme on WE 95.1 FM on implementation of policies, frameworks, guidelines and protocols in providing youth friendly health services both in federal and state level. Where we advocate for the need for Federal ministry of health to develop mechanism for monitoring of polices on SRHR and need for reflection to enable them to assess the implementation of these polices. In addition to this, through the radio phone in programme negative effect of cultural belief /norms preventing young people from enjoying their SRHR were discussed such as effect of female genital mutilation on girl child, effect of not educating young on sexuality including use of condom  etc and calling on parents, religious leaders, community leaders to de-emphasis the idea of seeing sexuality education with their children as a taboo. Through the radio phone in programme about 3000 people were directly reached including police makers.
    One of our greatest win was how technology has been instrumental in empowering young people with the information they need to make choices about their health and relationships. Offer them a safe space to discuss issues about their sexuality, getting evidence-based key messages and other information. set up a closed virtual group of young people and professionals interested in SRH and through this medium share information. Reach a wider audience especially in a country like ours where the number of people with a smart phone is one the rise. Also offer me the ability to work remotely, monitor my effort using websites that track tweet or post in which a particular hashtag was used. Reach about 3000 through our radio programme .  And enhance visibility of effort and impact by tagging funders and partners.  The radio programme was recorded through face book , published on the platform and has 206 viewers.@WomenDeliver , @HP, @ concernwomen1



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